Ways to Give

Thank you. Your generosity matters.

Give Online

Click here to give securely online. You can give a one-time donation or schedule a recurring donation.

Give In Person

You can place your gift in the offering box in the back of sanctuary or in the offering plate each Sunday. Envelopes for cash and cheques can be found on the backs of the chairs in the sanctuary, or at the coffee bar in the foyer.

Give By E-Transfer

Gifts can be e-transfered via your bank to calvarybaptistdv@gmail.com


Cheques should be made out to “Calvary Baptist Church”. They can be mailed or dropped off to:

Calvary Baptist Church, 4401 – 50 AVE, Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1B5

What do we do with your donations?

Financial resources are needed to accomplish the work God has called us to do. Your gifts, tithes, and offerings enable Calvary Baptist Church to fulfill its mission of loving God and loving people. Your donations fund the daily operations of the church, fuel special projects, and support many core and outreach ministries.

Why do we give?

God is the ultimate giver who gave the most precious gift imaginable – His Son Jesus – to die on the cross for our sins. Our lives are transformed by the gospel of Christ. When we learn to give generously, it changes us, making us more like our generous Creator.




Some of the Specific Projects and Ministries We Support

Ukrainian Refugee Support Project – CBC has sponsored the resettlement of a number of refugees from the war in Ukraine.

Missions – we contribute to many vibrant missions organizations whose personnel serve in locations around the world and here in Canada.

Camps – CBC believes in the power of summer camps to change lives. We support Lone Prairie and Pioneer Ranch Camp here in Alberta.

Drayton Valley Food Bank – it is a privilege to provide funds to help our vulnerable citizens.

Burden Bearers Counselling Centre – this local counselling centre provides individual, marital and family counselling.

Drayton Christian School Society – we love to support our local public Christian school.

Drayton Valley Warming Hearts – this local organization provides warm meals to those experiencing homelessness in our town.

Opportunity Home Treatment & Recovery Centrea new local organization helping people struggling with addiction.


Contributions to Calvary Baptist Church are tax-deductible. Donations are administered and disbursed under the supervision of the church. In the unlikely event a ministry/project is overfunded, gifts will be used in another ministry/project in alignment with our exempt purpose. Contributions statements will be mailed out at the end of the year. For more info call the office at 780-542-4774